Business Financial Modelling & Planning Systems
That Grows Your Business.
Plan, fund, and grow your business.
Easily create a business plan, secure funding, and get insights to help you reach your goals.
We help you think through every aspect of your business — so you're twice as likely to succeed
What Makes Our Method So Simple and Effective
By clarifying your ideas, forecasting your finances and then evaluating the results, you'll better understand what really works for your business.
Think through your goals, target market, competitors and more by creating a one-page business plan.
Forecast sales, expenses, and cash flow so you know whether or not you're on track to hit your goals.
Compare your forecast against your actual sales and expenses each month to spot new opportunities while holding yourself accountable to your goals.
Adjust your plan based on the numbers. Maybe your business model needs tweaking. Or your prices are too low. Or your product line needs to change.
The process is now more important than the plan!
Make confident, strategic decisions by following the Growth Planning process. It's a simpler approach to launching or growing a business.
Traditional business plans weren't designed for today's economy
Markets change faster than ever. Technology evolves at breakneck speed. And the pandemic has forever transformed the way we think about ‘work’.
A rigid 40+ page business plan can't keep up.
They take too long to write
It can take days — or even weeks — to write a formal business plan. That's on top of all the research required.
They're outdated almost instantly
You can't update traditional business plans quickly as markets change and your business evolves.
They're too difficult to put into action
It's tough to implement a business strategy when the most important details are buried within a massive document.
Two ways to start Growth Planning
Plan a little, grow a lot
Growth Planning helps business owners adapt quickly, stay focused, and drive growth
Do it yourself with spreadsheets
This is a budget-friendly option for entrepreneurs who are comfortable crunching numbers. All you need is a single-page plan, a spreadsheet and the right mindset.

Do It With 110% Support and Guidance With Us
Investing in BizGrowth Solutions gives you everything you need for Growth Planning: financial dashboards, cash forecasting tools, video tutorials and expert help via a structured planning process with annual access and monthly reviews, with programs to suit every budget .

Research shows that the principles of Growth Planning drive success
Faster Growth
Businesses that continually track against their plan grow 30% faster than those that don't, according to a study in the Journal of Management Studies.
Higher Achievement
Documenting and reviewing your goals makes you 40% more likely to achieve them, according to a study by the Dominican University of California.
Stronger Start
Entrepreneurs with a plan are 129% more likely to push forward with their business beyond the initial start-up phase and grow it, according to a study in the journal Small Business Economics.
Business Financial Modelling & Planning Systems that Grow Your Business.
Access Your Powerful Business Plan...
Your business plan is a powerful tool to support the growth of your business, growth of your cash flow and your personal outcomes for being in business.
Get quick access to your on-line business planning systems for a more powerful way to plan the future of your business!
The Way To Your Success!
Powerful Strategy
A powerful business planning session to build a more powerful business, a plan for your future success and a way of managing the future, where...
Existing Business
As an owner of an existing business there are many situations in play, your business is very dynamic and sometimes very demanding on both your time and resources. Create scenario for planning and decision making.
New Business
A new business will benefit greatly from the 2 days spent creating the inputs for a solid final business plan as you get to test your ideas and test the business model you are thinking of using.
Build Strengths & Opportunities
Focus on what makes your business strong, and what opportunities you can take advantage is a key to building a progressive business.
You Are Supported At Every Step
You are supported every step of the way to grow your cash flow, your profits, your business's value and a more powerful way of being in business, with.
A Powerful Dashboard As A Visual Cue
A powerful dashboard which you use as a visual cue while building your plan - guarantees a more powerful plan and more powerful outcomes including...
4 Key Planning Areas Included
Your Direction
Building a solid direction for your business, so that it returns a higher level of income and lifestyle choices for you, is just one key outcome of planning. The online planning tool gives you the ability to model your business and to also test different scenarios
Your Revenue
Increasing the ongoing revenue your business produces is another important aspect of a healthy business. Alignment of what you sell, where you sell, and to what type of customers is critical if your business is going to grow in both revenue & profitability
Your Expenses
Knowing your financial situation before you get there is critical to creating a business that delivers what you want when you want it. Building specific Key Financial Indicators (KPI’s) for your business and personal desires is a necessary first step for your future.
Business Value
Creating a framework whereby your business increases in value is a key if you want to sell and / or retire from your business in the future. Value improvement must be an ongoing focus for you and your team every month as your future wealth depends on it.
WAIT! Got Questions?
Why not book a FREE 30-minute stategy call with my team? We'll be able to give you a complete strategy to get your business scaling the way you really want...